Tennis Court

It is for the use of members exclusively.
Not more than 2 guests may be introduced by a member to use the tennis court on Saturdays, Sundays or Public Holidays.  On other days, not more than 4 guests may be introduced. 
Opening Hours

Mondays to Fridays                   10:00 – 23:00
Saturdays, Sundays & Public Holidays    09:00 – 23:00

The introducing member shall sign in the guests in the guest book.  The introducing member will have the guest fee added to his account.
Members Free of Charge
Guests $20/person/session

Recognised tennis attire and shoes shall be worn on the courts. Black-soled shoes are not permitted. The Manager or any member of the Committee has the authority to debar from playing anyone who is not properly dressed.
Spectators are not allowed to enter the tennis courts and any player or official who has to enter must be wearing flat, rubber-soled, heel-less shoes to avoid damaging the court surface.

Except for official Club and league matches and other occasions decided by the Committee, reservations to play under flood-light are not allowed.
Except for official club matches, or when courts have been reserved for special occasions approved by the Committee, singles matches may not be played when other courts are occupied and other players are waiting to play.  However, if the singles game was started prior to the arrival of the waiting players the set may be concluded on the understanding that it shall not be more than 11 games.
Members may reserve a court for a one hour period.  Periods commence on the hour and not more than one period per evening shall be reserved by any one member.
In all other instances, when courts are occupied and players waiting to play, the courts shall be vacated at the conclusion of the set which may not be of more than 12 games.
Other Rules

The Pool Convenor has been appointed by the Committee to arrange matches and competitions and to liaise with the Manager.
The Pool Convenor shall close the courts at any time if, in his opinion, they are not fit for play or for any other reason.  In the absence of the Pool Convenor the decision to allow the courts to be used after rain will be made by the Manager.
No food, drinks or smoking are allowed on the court.
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