Lawn Bowls Greens


It is for the use of members exclusively.
Members inviting visiting players shall be subject to the general bye-laws of the Club in regard to the admission of guests to the various privileges of the Club.
Opening Hours

The bowling greens shall be open for play on days and at times decided by the Grounds Convenor. If the greens are unfit for use in the opinion of the Grounds Convenor or, in his absence, any two members of the Committee, may declare the greens closed.
Members Free of Charge
Guests $100/person/visit

Smooth-soled, heel-less shoes are strictly the only type of footwear permitted to be worn by anyone walking on the bowling greens. 
Members taking part in league matches and National competitions shall be dressed in the manner required by the Hong Kong Lawn Bowls Association. Members taking part in Club competitions and friendly games may be dressed in any modest and comfortable attire.
Other Rules

The greens or any part thereof may be reserved for any particular lawn bowls game(s) or for league practice at the discretion of the Grounds or Bowls Convenors. Matches other than Club competitions shall be subject to the prior written approval of the Committee.
The game of singles, pairs or triples, other than Club competitions or official matches, may not be played when other members are waiting to participate and another rink is not available.
Before being permitted to use the bowling greens, members' children must satisfy the Grounds or Bowls Convenors that they will not damage the greens in any way. As a general rule, children under the age of 12 years may be refused permission to play bowls but each request for a child to play will be considered on its own merits.
As a specific rule, no children under the age of 16 years may use the bowling greens unless they are playing with a member or member’s wife.
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